It may seem paradoxical that increased use of a new paper-based product could substantially reduce the growth rate of paper consumption, but that does seem to be the case. A start-up company called intelliPaper® is producing a product line by the same name.

Talk about going green – USB flash drives that are not exactly the most environmentally friendly kind of devices to carry around, could potentially stumble upon a savior…intelliPaper will not come up short in terms of what a standard issue flash drive delivers, but you can also mail it as part of a postcard, now how about that?

If there’s one thing that people tend to toss around a lot, it’s USB flash drives. Since they are getting so small, they can easily be lost. In order to cut down on all that electronic waste, why not get a green USB flash drive, one made out of paper?
I think it’s impressive that they can fit NAND flash storage and the USB contacts onto a normal piece of paper. This opens the door for people to be able to use the little flash drives as wedding invitations, event tickets, gift cards, and just about anything else you can think of.
–Geeky Gadgets
There are two scenarios which crop up in my life with an alarming frequency. The first is the age old problem surrounding business cards. Once you’ve finished chatting with a client, you want them to remember who you are and contact you in the future. However, handing over a business card often feels a bit old fashioned. No-one really knows what to do with them (unless you still use a Rolodex) and often they’re left in a drawer or eventually thrown in the bin.